Monday, January 16, 2012


I love travel. I mean I LOVE traveling. if I could spend my life in airports and train stations, I think I could be pretty happy. Every now and then an intense longing to pack up my bags and just GO somewhere takes over. A longing that s hardly conducive to my current job situation, and my current bank account situation. However, if neither were an issue I would love to just go somewhere on a whim. The people you meet in foreign places, and the moments you experience are just unforgettable. I have made several very dear friends whilst on my trips, and can even talk with them all the time, thanks to skype:) however, its not the same as actually being there. Memories seem to be the crutch that helps me limp a long until my next trip somewhere. It doesn't help any that my closest friends all love to travel as much as me. So whenever we hang out our conversations always seem to meander towards Europe, or Africa, or Mexico, or anywhere other than where we are. My dream trip? tour of Europe with my best friends, Naomi, Ingrid, and Monica. Scotland and Ireland are a must. Ukraine, of course (Monica lives there, but I love the country, so the trip would be more for me) Definitely England (If you know me, you know I have passion for hats, and rumor has it that London has quite the hat shops) France (Ingrid speaks fluently, and she is studying French education, or something along those lines.) I've been to France 3 times. However I'd love to actually see France, not just the inside of Charles De Gaul airport.
A day or two spent in Hungary would be nice. I've spent a couple days in Budapest. Its a beautiful city, but SO EXPENSIVE! My strongest memory of Budapest is watching COPS dubbed into Hungarian at the Hostel we stayed at. That and the giant bronze statue of Ronald Reagan in the center of the city.
Denmark would be nice, now that I've had a taste of it, from what I saw at the Amsterdam airport. And Germany. I'm half German and have family there. Plus Monica has family there too, so between the two of us we should be able to find enough people we know to communicate somewhat sufficiently.

Well, for now I must satisfy my restless soul with pictures, and some wonderful memories, and the knowledge that I will be on another airplane, another train, or bus or taxi, and that God has plans for me beyond even what I could imagine, and has given me my love for traveling for a purpose:)

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