Monday, March 29, 2010

Good intentions

So last week, I intended to take pictures and do a recipe tutorial of the shrimp alfredo I made for dinner ( all though now that I think on it, the only thing I use a recipe for is the alfredo sauce)
I intended to take pictures and do a tutorial of my loaded egg potato cakes (my invention, but again, no written down recipe. and I forgot to add salt half way through).
Then half way through both times I remembered a camera but figured I'd just do it next time. That is if our computer doesn't decide to croak before then. Its pretty old and REALLY slow, especially when it comes to trying to upload pictures onto it from a camera... So I do admit that half the reason of my reluctance to do it this time was because I just wasn't up to dealing with a bipolar computer and resisting the temptation to kick in the screen and toss it out the window. Cause when you spend 3 hours (true story) trying to upload pictures, only to have them all disappear into thin air, you aren't the most happy person at the end. So I figured my siblings wouldn't much appreciate me being in a bad mood. So sometime hopefully in the near future pictures will be added to this site. Just not today. Perhaps Thursday or Friday though. Cause my brothers and sisters and I have been dreaming up April Fools ideas, and there will be a camera present then:)

Yesterday we had a lovely church service. We did a ham give away. We have lots of low income housing around our church, and occasionally go give out bags of groceries and the like. In honor o Easter, it was ham, so at 9:45 in the morning, 66 hams were taken across the street and offered to the people living there. Its a great outreach, cause often times we are able to pray with the people and have heard awesome stories about both the givers and recipients.
I unfortunately was unable to help, as we were having trouble with our power point projection, as well as a new program I had to learn to run the power point for Sunday morning. So I now have running all of the slides for the pastor's sermon under my belt, cause his clicker wasn't working, and I had to do it all manually. There were a few mistakes, but I hadn't heard the sermon or anything previous to this, so I was mostly guessing when to change the slides.

Then yesterday afternoon me and my brother and sister went to our friend's birthday party. Played Apples to Apples, chatted, ate pizza, had cake, watched a movie... That type of thing.
And I'm really rambling right now, so I shall post again some other time!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! =)
    Thanks for following me! I would follow yours if our computer let me. :-/ has been actin funny lately! Gah! :P I will follow yours as soon as that is fixed though. ~*~
