I was at a hardware store yesterday, that sold many vintage looking metal posters. I love the 1940's , and rather than pay $22.50 for 12 by 8 replica, I figured that online was as good a source as any to find old posters. To print up and stuff. WWII was (and is) my very favorite era. So I thought maybe some old war bonds, victory garden, and recruiting signs would be great. I love how each of the signs are hand painted, and generally not photographs. unfortunately it seems that the times signs that were hand crafted, rather than computer processed and mass produced are over. Also, when grocery stores and butcher shops would display hand painted signs of sale items, and that sort of thing. Instead we now have photo shopped pictures of fake looking food, and even faker looking people (seriously, are anybodies teeth
that white?) Now I wasn't even born until some 50 years after the '40's, but still, I would have loved to be alive at the time.
So, for the sake of satisfying my longings of the past, I shall post some of my favorite war time posters that I found today while on my google search :)

Victory Gardens. Now that was a cool idea. I love gardens :-)

you know it! lol

And of course the two classic war posters.
I love these too, all though Uncle Sam doesn't seem to be very happy!
Ahh. to have been alive then.
Well hey there Cara! I'm fairly new to the blog world, nice to see ya on here!