Saturday, March 20, 2010


I actually forgot completely about this blog. Until I was scrolling through the bookmarks and saw this on there. And then I was like "what in the world?" and then I checked it, and I remembered it:) and I actually remembered my password too, which is a surprise in and of itself.

So its been like.... 8 months since I wrote anything in here. And basically anyone who reads this who knows me ( If any one reads this in the first place) already knows what is happening in my life, and I lack any witty stories to share. Unfortunately, I have nothing of great inspiration to write here either. So I shall probably just ramble until I run out of things to ramble about. So if reading inane mumbo jumbo is pleasing to you, than by all means, pull out a cup of coffee and be bored to tears. And if reading nonsensical dribble is not to your liking, then perhaps you should go before you slam your head against the computer screen in shear boredom.
With that much being said, you may now either leave or stay :)

Thank you, to those who stayed ( assuming you have stayed) and I shall try to keep your attention in some way. Haven't figured out how to as of yet, but I'll try just the same.

So the other day I was watching this thing on T.V. called, "Hoarders, buried alive" and it immediately made me want to go clean my room. My room was already cleaned at this time, but It actually made me want to get rid of everything I own. Almost. My new number one fear is that I will someday start hoarding things and not be able to walk through my own home. And the people who do this show will show up on my door step. And want to interview me. And walk (er, try to anyway) through my gobs of junk. So that people who aren't (or at least probably aren't) hoarders can see what its like for people who are hoarders to live. Its actually a rather uncomfortable thought. And I don't know why I brought it up in the first place. If you are a hoarder and you are reading this, I apologize if it has offended you.

Then right after that show there was something about Giant Syndrom or something. Basically its when someone has tumer in their brain that pushes on a gland or something that releases growth hormones non-stop, and they never stop growing. And these people were huge. I know that I don't have that problem, cause I'm almost twenty and barely 5'3. So that was a relief.

Ok, now I must go get out of my pajamas, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and all that fun stuff :-)

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