Thursday, March 25, 2010

Norman Rockwell

I'm a big fan of Norman Rockwell. My grandma has a huge book of his prints at her house, and every time we go over there its always is someones hands, with several people gathered around and leaning over whoever is holding it, just looking at the pictures. He was one of those amazing artists who painted realistic but humorous pictures depicted from life. I'm sure as I wrote more entries on here, you shall see many of his pictures pop up here and there. I was doing another google search today (I google everything. Even my own name. Sad, I know) and found some of my favorites from my grandma's book.
Such as:
These two football ones remind me of my youngest brother and his friends.
Faithfully, every time they're together they play football. And their skinny little
legs stick out of there baggy pants, just like these pictures:)

The run away. I love his little hobo sack. I'm betting it had
some PB&J, and a couple of apples in it.

You can just imagine the sour notes coming from those guys.
And the expressions on their faces our priceless.

This one, is probably my all time favorite. She looks so proud of her black eye.
No doubt she was fighting with some boy and came out on the winning end.
Reminds me of the major Tomboy that I was. I'd have rather been playing football
and baseball, and riding bikes and climbing trees
(and I did get into my own share of scuffles with the neighbor hood kids)
Than play with dolls and the like.

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